It’s almost unexpected that sakura cherry blossom started blooming mid of March 2020 in Tokyo. The warmth temperature accelerated the opening of the flowers. To us, it’s like an oasis in the desert. After a hermit period of stay at home because of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we go out to see something gorgeous: sakura. …
There are many beautiful places in the world but spring in Japan is one of the most flowerful of all. If you are flowers lover like I am, to be in Japan during spring will be the most exciting time. Starting from end of March to May, flowers bloom in turn. March to early April …
Sakura is the most awaited flower in Japan. It’s not written but many believe sakura is the sign that spring finally sprung. It’s the time for everyone to go out to view sakura. Sakura viewing is known as hanami in Japanese. Hanami is done by almost everyone from school children to elderly will go out …
The cold days of winter will soon be over. We soon will feel the warmth of sun again. After several months cocooning in thick jackets and dealing with the cold weather it’s just about time to wear light again. We all are looking forward to spring and embrace the warmth of the sun again. It’s …
The main reason we were itching to visit Mie Prefecture was Ise Grand Shrine or Ise Jingu. After having been living in Japan for three years now, the urge to see the shrine that represents the national religion of Japan was justifiable. The Ise Grand Shrine is Shinto’s holiest shrine and regarded as a home …
There was one place I had always wanted to visit: Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture. As one of the travel destinations in Japan, Natchikatsuura name is not as popular as its spot Nachi Taisha Shrine. Local are more familiar with Nachi Taisha Shrine or Nachi Falls rather than Nachikatsuura. I didn’t know where Nachikatsuura was before finding …